Mobile technology is getting as complex as it can get, arriving with stunning design and technological progress statements. There is just this little thing slightly ignored by mobile technology companies…The sound quality of our high-end devices. In most of the cases, the speakers our devices come with are an affront to the music we listen to everyday. To make things better, music sharper and moods sweeter, the greatest brands have thought of releasing the Bluetooth speakers, to enhance the audio performance of your mobile device. These Bluetooth amplifiers come in quite a wide and confusing range, from the greatest variety of prices to the greatest diversity of shapes, colors and capacities. To make your choice easier, we thought of making a shortlist with the best you can now find on the market, from cheap and reasonable in quality to over expensive and over the top in everything. Because we know that when it comes to music, only a full-fledged hi-fi sound system will do. But if you’re looking for a more subtle and intimate ambiance, straightforward convenience and loud and clear music in a smaller room, the best choice is a Bluetooth speaker.
The Stanmore Black speaker is the cream of the crop, for starters. “Small in size, but not subtle in sound, says the headline. The Stanmore is a compact and active stereo speaker that yields clean and precise sounds even at high levels. Needless to say that this jewelry looks like it’s taken out directly from the hot pictures with the greatest Rock’n Roll icons in history. The appearance is timeless and it gathers all the proverbial Marshall quality.
The Stanmore comes with two standby modes, powersaver and standard, to minimize your speaker’s impact when not actively in use.
Second on our list is the Naim Mu-So, that looks deliciously minimalistic and it is thought and experienced as being one of the best portable Bluetooth speakers. The Mu-So Naim is very rich and powerful in sound, has an incredible sense of scale and soaring dynamics and excellent features list. You will get full fat high resolution through the Ethernet connection and you’ll experience one of the sharpest sound attributes.
Next on our list is the Bose Sound Link III elegant Bluetooth speaker. The volume of this darling is significantly louder than its previous models but you won’t notice the slightest bit of distortion, even at top volume.
All these three state of the art examples have an overpriced tag coming along with their looks and quality. If you are more the “on a budget type”, you will be delighted to know that there are some exquisite Bluetooth speakers addressed to your pockets too.
The Wooden Mini Bluetooth Speaker looks quite neat and sounds fantastic, with proper power pumped into the bassline and high volume. It would be an awful lie to say that it brings all the luxuriant clarity the ones above come with but it will nevertheless wonderfully upgrade the quality of your smartphone.
The Doss speaker is compact, comfortable and very clear and sharp in sound. It is not very spectacular in design, lacking the looks but it does a perfect job. Also, you will be surprised by the clarity of sound and you will be blown up by the volume power, for such a tiny device.
The last on our list but not least on our set of choices is the perfect combination between sound and light, wrapped in a perfect price. The Four Dazzle LED Lamp dancing water speaker offers a great sound quality and a stunning light spectacle, with the moving light creating an intimate and cozy ambiance. The price is also no less than fantastic. For no more than $50 you get an improved sound quality for your smartphone and a great light play to soften or boost the atmosphere.
Well, this is just a small part of a large list that brings all the variety one can find, when it comes to Bluetooth Speakers. The best Bluetooth speakers in 2014 are in our opinion those which deliver the highest quality along with the highest price or the most reasonable quality for the smallest price. Enjoy and don’t hesitate to choose one, as music sounds better with a well-chosen Bluetooth speaker.
This entry was posted in Cellz, Electronics and tagged Best bluetooth speakers in 2014, Stanmore Black, wireless speakers on November 14, 2014.