It seems that Apple is not the only tech giant with plans to create smart wearable devices in the near future: Google recently announced they want Android to become the leading operating system for wearables!
In contrast to Apple which keeps its work secret, earlier this month Google said they will soon release the Android software development kit for wearables to developers so they can connect and create as many wearable devices and apps as they want. (Some rumors have been circulating that Google is also working on a smartwatch, but other than a few alleged leaked pictures nothing else is known about this.)
Furthermore, two days ago Google revealed a new concept called ‘Android Wear’, and Motorola presented the first Android Wear Smartwatch, which will be available in a few months. Android Wear can connect a multitude of wearable items; it’s all left to the imagination of the developers what sensors and apps they will include in our everyday items. There’s already talk about a ‘smart jacket’ that will pack many sensors and batteries, health bands and more.
Android Wear will inter-connect all wearables you will own and your Android phone, and will include the ‘OK Google’ functionality, meaning that you will be able to dictate requests or send messages and emails without touching any buttons, and because all devices will be inter-connected you’ll be able to send commands or request to all of them from one place, without having to handle each device separately. For example, you’ll be able to ask your watch to start playing music on your smartphone or to play a YouTube video on your TV. Of course, besides all this Android Wear will also include many health and fitness-related items and apps that can enhance your diet or your workout, whether you enjoy cycling, running or going to the gym there will be an app for everything. Here’s a video from Google introducing Android Wear:
The first devices that will take advantage of the new Google Wear will be smartwatches. Samsung rushed to be the first major tech company that releases a smartwatch some months ago but their device wasn’t as successful as they expected, it has to be paired with a Samsung smartphone all the time and displays the same things the smartphone does, and besides this the battery lasts just a day. The next wave of Android Wear powered devices promises to be a lot better, and it will start this summer.
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Motorla already presented their first Android Wear smartwatch, and LG also said they are close to finishing work on their own smartwatch. The Motorola watch will be called Moto 360 and it looks great, they kept the classic, premium-quality watch design and at first look you may be fooled into thinking it’s just a bulkier-looking classic watch, but it packs a good-quality display, supports gestures and voice-commands, and by using Google Now it can predict what you need and give you just the info you need right when you need, it on your wrist! It can send messages, set alarms, give you sports scores, weather info and a lot more. Here are a few shots of the watch: